What is OpenPSYC?

OpenPSYC is a free online resource for students in Introduction to Psychology courses. Use the links on the right to learn more about the site, visit a course module or search by keyword.


As we have already seen, our sympathetic nervous system responds to potential threats by preparing our body to attack or retreat. So stress, at the basic level, is the experience of that response.

Start with this article, which discusses the body’s natural stress response, the health problems associated with chronic stress, and the role of your genes and experience in how you react to stressors. Pay particular attention to the role and effects of adrenaline and cortisol.

Read: Stress: Constant Stress Puts Your Health at Risk (http://bit.ly/1oU7dSv)

How vulnerable are you to the negative effects of stress? Take a quick quiz, and note that in some cases the answer choices of “yes” and “no” are really better thought of as “true statement” and “false statement” respectively.

Visit: Stress Vulnerability Quiz (http://allpsych.com/tests/self-help/stresstest.html)

Next, let us look in more detail at some specific ways that people react to stress and some ways to manage stress more effectively. The bottom line is this: the more effective you are at managing stress in your life, the more successful, happy, and healthy you will be.

Read: Stress Management: Reexamine Your Stress Reactions (http://bit.ly/1oU7sNb)

Interested in more information on stress management? You can also visit this link and read about Positive Psychology and some techniques for balancing the stress in your life. Each of the highlighted techniques is a link to more details.

Visit: Positive Psychology – Using Positive Psychology for Stress Management (http://goo.gl/cwwnqZ)