From the link below you should be able to locate, identify, and describe the following features:
(A) Cornea
(B) Iris
(C) Lens
(D) Pupil
(E) Aqueos humor
(F) Cillary muscle
(G) Vitreous body
(H) Retina
(I) Fovea
(J) Blind spot
(K) Optic nerve
Read: The Human Eye (
Read: Human Eye Anatomy: Parts of the Eye ( - Note that you should scroll over the different parts of the eye on the diagram to learn more about what each does
Read: How Do Animals See in the Dark?
Read: Why Some Animals Have Forward Facing Eyes and Others Have Sideways Facing Eyes (
You should also be able to describe the difference between rods and cones
Read: The Retina (
For a little more detail on how the eye focuses, watch:
Watch: How the Body Works: The Focusing Mechanism (
To learn more about how an eagle's eye works,
Read: A Bald Eagle's Eyesight and Hearing (
Lastly, note the way that the lens projects images of the world onto the retina: